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Deploying Windows Updates in MCM

In MCM, Windows Updates can be deployed to collections either automatically on a regular basis (using Automatic Deployment Rules) or by manually deploying the relevant "All Missing Patches" Software Update Group (SUG) of the month.

Manual deployment using Software Update Group

A Software Update Group in MCM is a collection of Windows updates bundled in one package. The Windows Desktops team provides every month a new cumulative updates package, similar to how it had been historically done in CMF.


Please note that depending on the restart preference during the deployment and/or whether you have a Maintenance Window set up for your collection, a restart may be automatically performed once a device installs the updates. To ensure this does not happen, either use the "Suppress restart for both Workstations and Servers" during the deployment of the SUG, or set uy Maintenance Windows for Software Updates according to the documentation.

  1. Open the Configuration Manager Console, and navigate to Software Library > Overview > Software Updates > Software Update Groups. A package named after the last cumulative update month (e.g., "MS All Missing Patches 2025-02") should be present in the list (otherwise please contact Windows Desktop Service).

  2. Right-click on the SUG, and choose Deploy. The Deploy Software Updates Wizard will appear.

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  3. During the wizard, provide the following values and click Next accordingly:

  4. Deployment Name: can be left as the default (e.g., Microsoft Software Updates - 2025-02-26 11:07:21 AM)
  5. Collection: select the collection to which you would like to deploy the updates
  6. Select the Deployment Template you desire:
    • Install updates silently ASAP, do NOT restart automatically
    • Install updates silently ASAP and RESTART automatically
    • Make updates available in Software Center, show notifications
  7. The template will set the configuration across all pages to the relevant settings, but they can be changed if needed. More info on fields:

    • Type of deployment: Required is forced deployment, Available is on-demand of the user, shown in the Software Center/Company Portal
    • Deadline behaviour should almost never be used, as it overrides maintenance windows and allows installing updates and restarting

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  8. Once the wizard is completed, a message for successful deployment will appear, click Close.

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