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Draw.IO is an open source solution for creating/editing diagrams, which is integrated wtih CERNBox.

It lets you create a wide range of diagrams, from simple tree and flow diagrams, to highly technical network, rack and electrical diagrams by using a wide variety of shapes, icons, connector and templates to help you get started quickly.

Draw.IO uses xml format for storing diagrams and it is compatible with the Visio .VSDX format through its import/export function.

Draw.IO availability

  • Draw.IO is integrated into CERNBox, allowing for diagram creation and edition in your CERNBox folder using your web browser.
  • Draw.IO desktop applications are no longer centrally provided by CERN IT Department. It remains available for download and installation directly from: (which redirects to


How to create a new diagramu sing CERNBox

Click on the + button, then on Diagram, set a name and press Enter

How to open a vsdx diagram?

vsdx files can be directly opened by clicking on their names in CERNBox


When opened from CERNBox, a new .drawio file will be created as can't save the file back as vsdx. The new name of the file is shown in the top right corner of the application.

vsdx files can also be imported into existing diagrams from within the application, to do this, head to File > Import from > Device... and select the vsdx file to be imported.