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Microsoft OneDrive

Please note that CERNBox is the main cloud based file storage solution at CERN.


We are proposing Microsoft OneDrive as a complementary solution for justified use cases.  In order to join the project, you will need to first send a request to

This page describes how to set up OneDrive so that it can be used in addition to CERNBox.


On Mac

  • Client software for macOS is available from
  • Installation takes around 465 MB
  • Default OneDrive folder location is: Users/"username"/OneDrive - CERN

On Windows

  • On Windows, OneDrive is part of the operating system, installed by default.
  • Default OneDrive folder location is : C:\Users\"username"\OneDrive - CERN


After having OneDrive enabled by the Service Desk, it may be configured for login with CERN credentials (email address and password).

  • Search "OneDrive" in your Windows start menu and launch the application. You'll then be prompted to enter your email address and password

  • If your email address is also used for a personnal OneDrive account, you'll have to select the "work or school" button

  • Login into the CERN SSO

  • Uncheck "Allow my organization to manage my device", this setting is applicable only to devices which are not part of the CERN Windows domain.
  • Click on "No, sign into this app only" to prevent Windows to capture your credentials and use them to login on your behalf in other applications.

  • Check the OneDrive folder location, and click on NEXT

  • Click on "Open my OneDrive folder" to open it


  • A very important feature provided by MS OneDrive, as well as CERNBox with the latest client, is the concept of "Files-On-Demand", which means files can be of 3 different states

You’ll see all your files in File Explorer and get new information about each file. New files created online or on another device appear as online-only files, which don’t take up space on your device. When you’re connected to the Internet, you’ll be able to use the files like every other file on your device.

  • By default files are not synced locally, despite you can see them, they will be downloaded locally only when you try to open them.

  • A dedicated article about this important feature and how to save space with files-on-demand is available here

  • A lot of resources are also available in the MS Onedrive blog to help you to get more familiar with this product.

Specific policies applied on Windows machines at CERN

Due to the fact we are also using CERNBOX at CERN, it has been necessary to setup some policies to harmonize both software configuration in order to ensure they can work with each other.